SEA BEAN Focaccia

Heron Farms Sea Beans (2 oz)
Bread Flour (330g)
Salt (6g)
Active Dry Yeast (6g)
Water (290ml)
Olive Oil (~¼ cup)
Mix flour, active yeast, and salt in a large bowl, then add water to the mixture and knead until a shaggy dough forms. Pour 1 - 2 tablespoons of olive oil to coat the the dough.
Cover the bowl with a damp towel and leave at room temperature overnight (~8 hours) until it has doubled in size.
Grease a 9 x 13 inch pan, apply some oil to your hands and gently pull the dough off the walls of the bowl. Then flip the dough into the pan, drizzle another 1-2 tablespoons of oil onto the ball of dough and let rise for another 2 - 4 hours at room temperature until it has again doubled in size and fills the sides of the pan.
Preheat your oven to 425 °F
Once risen, oil your hands and use your fingertips to press into the dough like you are playing a pretend piano, creating small dimples on the surface of the dough.
Press sea beans into the dough and drizzle the remaining olive oil over the surface.
Bake for 22 - 24 minutes until golden brown and then let it cool on a wire rack.
(1) 9 x 13 inch pan